Tiny-Furniture - TF-F08p - Herald - 28mm UNPAINTED
Leaving the Cathedral’s heavy iron gates to close behind him, the Herald tucked the large scroll with the Bishop’s new decree under his arm and hurried on his way. Taking a shortcut through the back alleys, he quickly headed towards the town’s square. The smell of the market made him glad that had just recently cleaned his jacket. Cleaning it had not been cheap, but the special herbs that the washer used overpowered the smells of city life, and Belinda loved the scent. Stepping quickly to avoid a pool of what was possibly urine and rotting tomatoes, the Herald ascended the stairs. Taking his place and unfolding the scroll, he quickly scanned the text. Clearing his voice, the Herald spoke loud enough to be heard by all.
ABS-Like 3D Printer Rapid Resin LCD UV-Curing Resin 405nm Standard Photopolymer Resin for LCD 3D Printing Grey.
This product is provided cured but unpainted and may still have supports attached in Gray. Some assembly may be required.
Source models are copyright Tiny Furniture, provided as an officially licensed seller. www.patreon.com/tiny_furniture
WARNING: This is not a toy it is a scale miniature and may have small pieces that are a choking hazard.