Tiny-Furniture - TF-F06p - Carpet Merchant - UNPAINTED
The market was abuzz with all manner of sights, sounds, and smells. It was a busy day and business should be brisk. Nabir, however, did not share in the excitement that surrounded him. For the tenth time in as many minutes, he cursed under his breath, “It is already the fifth hour since I’ve opened and have not sold a single carpet. Curse my luck, and curse these people.” Looking around at the other stalls doing a vigorous business Nabir whispered, “I should have listened to my beloved Elaheh… next time I bring a caravan of dry figs and Curcuma.”
ABS-Like 3D Printer Rapid Resin LCD UV-Curing Resin 405nm Standard Photopolymer Resin for LCD 3D Printing Grey.
This product is provided cured but unpainted and may still have supports attached in Gray. Some assembly may be required.
Source models are copyright Tiny Furniture, provided as an officially licensed seller. www.patreon.com/tiny_furniture
WARNING: This is not a toy it is a scale miniature and may have small pieces that are a choking hazard.